Saturday, November 28, 2009

new link aspect

Search engines have always been the primary way of finding information on the internet. And once upon a time, these search engines were many and had names like Lycos, Altavista, and Hotbot. Furthermore, these engines all worked very similarly, listing their results based mostly on website content and keyword use. Of course, this made the results fairly easy to manipulate — you only had to stuff more keywords in your meta tags and on your webpage. Then one day, a new search engine arose, one with the curious name of Google. Google decided that the current way of finding the best results was lacking. So they focused on a new technique: they began looking at the links that came into your website. Each link, they figured, was a “vote” for your site; the more people that “voted” for your site, the more likely it was that your site was useful and should be listed high in the results for the keywords that linked to it. Thus began the rise of Google, as webmasters tried a multiplicity of ways to get links to their site. A few years back, many sites could manipulate this new link aspect simply by trading links with hundreds of others. But as all smart companies do, Google adapted and nowadays, all links to your site are analyzed to find out what quality of “vote” each link is. In other words, the more quality links you get to your site, the better your site does.

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